More potty-training successes!

I suppose I should spare y'all the down-and-dirty details… But suffice it to say Aylin continues to move forward in her potty-training.

I was really dreading this process. I've heard so many horror stories from other families along the way, I guess I expected it to be really hard. So far, though, it's just been a very natural progression for Aylin. She's basically directing the timeline. She's as excited about it as we are, I think. After her successful trip this evening, she was running around yelling, "So poud of oo! [So proud of you!]," which is what her momma told her after she finished.

When Aylin went back into daycare last year, she joined a class full of kids who were just a little bit older than her, and that seemed to jump-start her language development. It seems that the same thing is now happening with potty-training. There are a lot of kids in her class who are developing their potty discipline, and I can't help but think it rubs off… no pun intended.