So I've gone on a binge recently and purged many people from my past that I have had absolutely zero contact with except to "re-connect" thru facebook, then have no further interaction. I've also opted to do an information flow block to 98% of the people that I either do currently, or have worked with in the past who I also have no relationship with, but since everyone is literally friends with everyone at work its just easier to accept the friend requests then block them or add them to a list - in this case - that will block them. Reason being that most of those 98% that have either been purged or blocked don't need to know my daily musings, and probably don't care. But most importantly, work and home are very separate for me. If you have the pleasure of working with me and are able to read this, then you are of the privileged few who also have a relationship with me outside of work. Also making yourself someone whose opinion I (may) be interested in.
These days with less and less actual privacy, I'd just as soon keep things closer to the vest. Anymore, the purpose of Facebook for me is so that I can keep up with long distance family easier. Who knows, maybe I'll just decide its not worth it and get rid of it all together... It all just depends on how I'm feeling when/if the mood strikes. But so far, it would seem as though the people purged or blocked have not even noticed. Which, really is, the whole point. If you don't notice me there to begin with, I really shouldn't be there.
That is all.