Aylin's 1st Play In The Snow

Aylin got a brief opportunity to play in the snow today. I say brief, because it's been in the single digits today, and we don't want to be getting sick from it. :)

At first, it was just cold. But after a bit of walking around she noticed the snow was getting on her boots (she doesn't like her hands dirty, do this didn't surprise me). She would walk a few steps,  stop and look down at her feet then squeal an angry squeal, then walk some more. Repeat... Until she mostly got over it. Then it was fun to walk up a small embankment w have leading to our wellhouse, then with her hand in mine for steadying, she'd run down it toward the house and squeal happy squeals. Repeat about 10x. Then we followed the cats around the yard for a while until we got child enough to come inside.

All in all, she had an enjoyable first experience with snow play. :)